

Congratulations, you just found where the fish are!


       Coiba Adventure PANAMA Sport fishing Lodge


Best Fishing in Panama

This sport fishing lodge is located at the edge of Coiba National Park.  You will get more bites from more kinds of fish, big fish, than anywhere in Panama.  This sport fishing charter is far from civilization, among primitive uninhabited islands near the Continental Shelf.  In government protected waters, where no commercial fishing is allowed. Far from roads, marinas, towns, hotels and services, the Coiba islands are impractical for Panama’s few recreational fishermen.

All catch & release within the park boundaries, fishing here will always be the best in Panama.  A fisherman’s dream destination. Sport fishing here will land you more species and get you more strikes throughout the day than anywhere.  Ol’ Captain Tom’s been The Fishing Guide here 33 years now. Captain Tom knows where, when and how to help you, hook up, boat & release these powerful & beautiful fish. 

Greatest Variety of Gamefish 

Target, capture and release the most variety of fish found anywhere in Central America. Like Wahoo, Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Roosterfish, Cubera Snapper, Almaco Jack, Dorado, Tiger, Bull, Hammerhead, Oceanic Whitetip and Thresher Sharks, Yellowfin Tuna, Goliath Grouper, Broomtail Grouper, Bluefin Trevally, Pompano, and a dozen other smaller yet, powerful saltwater gamefish.  All these fish we can catch on purpose.  The fish we target most and catch with frequency, is an apex predator rarely found in the Western Hemisphere, the Black Marlin. 

Where Black Marlin are caught

Black Marlin are more commonly caught in Australia. Black Marlin also get caught in Mexico and Costa Rica, but they are an unusual, surprise catch and difficult to target. Only in Panama can you go fishing for Black Marlin and expect to catch one. In Panama, Black Marlin aggregate, generally in only two areas, The Zane Grey Reef , near the Colombian boarder and the Hannibal Bank, 100 miles southeast of Costa Rica boarder.

The Zane Grey Reef is fished by the Tropic Star Lodge. The lodge fishes more than 14 boats on the reef along with several sport boats from Panama City. The Zane Grey reef gets crowded with maybe more than 20 boats, doing the same thing in the same place at the same time.

The Hannibal Bank is far more challenging to access, fewer boats make it here. A world famous Black Marlin hot spot few anglers have been lucky enough to experience. On the Hannibal Bank, your odds of Black Marlin success, could not be better. Most often only a few, if any sport fishing boats are found on the Hannibal Bank. The Hannibal Bank and nearby Isla Montousa and Isla Jicaron, are where Black Marlin can be found with great frequency, any time of year.

Panama Fish Conservation

Worldwide the oceans fish are on decline. Panama has made measures to conserve the bounty we have here. Outlawing purse seiners, greatly reducing long-line fishing and restricting prime coastal areas from commercial fishing. South of Coiba National Park, reaching to Malpelo Island, exists a deep sea mountain range named the Coiba Corridor. (Blue Marlin & Yellowfin Tuna territory) This vast oceanic area is off limits to commercial fishing of any kind. Panama is famous for fish. Panama means “lots of fish”

By far the richest marine habitat in Panama is and always has been the territory of Coiba National Park. Ask any Panamanian fishing enthusiast where he would go fishing if he could . The answer will certainly be Coiba. However getting here and staying is logistically challenging for anyone not fully determined, funded and prepared. This is a primitive tropical paradise, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Designated because of the unusually rich & abundant biodiversity found here. Coiba National Park is a wild place, full of life on the islands and in the sea. Isla Coiba is where big fish continue remain, protected from commercial exploitation

Best Fishing Guide

For 33 years, every year since 1991, owner and operator Captain Tom Yust continues guiding world traveling anglers, exclusively in the clear blue waters of Coiba National Park & Hannibal Bank.  Tom’s dedicated his life to exploring the fishing here, uncovering the secret lairs and learning how to fish them. Capt. Tom loves the fascinating adventures inherent to fishing  this island wilderness.

Tom’s comfortable, twin diesel turbo charged 31′ Bertram is customized for marlin fishing. In addition his first mate Olmedo, is likely the best fishing deck hand you will ever know.  Tom & Olmedo will put you on the specific fish  you are after with the right equipment and release that beautiful creature alive, unharmed, healthy.  The Captain, crew, boat & destination you are looking for is here.

You have found where the big fish remain, lodging as close as can be and the right boat & crew to put you on the best fishing of your life.


Home Parallax

Fighting a big marlin and ultimately releasing the fish strong and alive, is a fantastic experience few fishermen can claim to have achieved.

Black and Blue Marlin are the biggest most explosively powerful gamefish, in the world . And big marlin frequent  Hannibal Bank in numbers, that have made Hannibal Bank world famous. Yet incredibly you’ll see only a couple other sport boats,  if any others at all, while you fish using live bonitos baited for marlin, on the Hannibal Bank. 

The quality of a big marlin fight is greatly influenced by the boat you are on and the tackle you are using.

You will appreciate the feel of fighting fish of these sizes while sitting, and working the rod with your legs. Relaxing your back and left hand altogether. A full-size fighting chair & fighting bucket attached to heavy tackle, with bent butt rod gives you great ability to boat big Yellowfin Tuna, Black and Blue Marlin much quicker and without totally exhausting yourself. 

With Captain Tom handling the gears & throttles of his 31’Bertram; You’ll keep your marlin jumping at the surface near the boat. Once the big marlin tires of jumping and sounds, you might increase the drag pressure to, full. Then hold  tight in the fighting chair, as the captain moves the boat slowly forward, pulling your monster back to the surface once again. You could lower your drag pressure back to strike, as the boat goes hard in reverse. while you take up line to  reach the leader… quickly.


You will be on the right spot aboard the right boat




Lucky You, there are many beautiful species to find on your way to,

or from

Hannibal Bank



Latest Video: Marlin Coiba Adventure Sportfishing

Latest Video: Coiba Sports Fishing